06 October, 2016

for women out there have you ever wanted a man by your side at all time

Heart main is a kid who a had a goofy idea that was first a joke but he wanted to actually try it out. He put $100 of his money into it and 200 of his parents money and hoped to pay them back with his earnings. He made his scented candles into 10 different types that were grass, bacon, saw dust, leather, coffee, campfire, new mitt, grandpa's pipe, new york style pizza and dirt. This all started in Marysville and he started by going into meijer and asking them to sell his product.

Image result for Mancans

His candles sold for around 9.50$ and he typically has adult buyers. His product is called a mancan and he has sold around 9,000 Candles. His family supports him by buying soup and giving it to soup kitchens and latter getting the cans back to make the candles. So he had a great idea why can't you?


  1. Wow really cool post. I like how this guy made creams I find that fascinating. Would you do the same thing?

  2. I mean candles sorry

  3. I really like the way you presented the topic to the audience. I also really like the topic you chose and I think this is really cool. It is cool that the kid invested his own money in an idea and stuck with it. Would you ever want to start a candle business like this kid?

  4. I really like the way you presented the topic to the audience. I also really like the topic you chose and I think this is really cool. It is cool that the kid invested his own money in an idea and stuck with it. Would you ever want to start a candle business like this kid?

  5. Whoa! This is a pretty cool idea. I am surprised he invested his own money in it though. The fact that he did that almost makes his business more impressive! One thing that I am wondering about though is how he got his name "Heart Man". Is it just something you can up with or is it his real name?

  6. Wow really cool post. I like how this guy made candles I find that fascinating. “Heart main is a kid who a had a goofy idea that was first a joke but he wanted to actually try it out.” I like how he came up with the idea of making the candles like this. Would you do the same thing?


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