06 October, 2016

Mr. Minecraft

Gabriel Sylverson, age 15, has made a career out of the virtual game Minecraft. He gets paid with money from downloads of the world of Minecraft websites by other players to make Minecraft builds, such as castles, along with his staff from his business. In the beginning, he's made about $1-2 per build, but has gotten more as his business grew.
He got into this through competitions on creative servers, and owner of PVP (Player vs Player) asking him to help them with builds. Some people may see this as lazy gamer's having people play for them, but when Gabriel is on a Skype call with the owner, a lot of planning goes underway. Gabriel also plays many other games besides Minecraft, such as multiplayer and computer games. What games do you play?


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    1. This teen is so amazing! I also play Minecraft, but the only thing I can do was building some buildings, killing some monsters, and working in the mine. Sometimes I also play the worlds that are others made, but this boy could make worlds by himself, and he could get money! I want to do that too, but I thought my parents won't let me to do it... Do you want to make money by playing games?

    2. I enjoy playing games such as Minecraft, but I enjoy just playing the games freely, not having to worry about a business to take care of as well.

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