09 October, 2016

What...Did You Say A "Man Candle"?

Did you ever hear of a man candle till now? So right now you are  probably thinking that I’m insane. But luckily I’m not,  man candles do exist. Who came up with this idea you may ask well here it is Mr. Main, or Hart Main to be exact. This 14 year old came up with this astounding idea of ManCans. This all happened in Maysville, his younger sister was making some candles, with some “girly” scents like cupcakes, vanilla, and etc. So right at that moment ManCans was born. The scents are so wacko with the following... grass, wood, leaves and so much more! Each of candle that you purchase is made out of a soup can, and that soap is donated to those that are in need. This idea  started out as a joke but then he thought that this would be a great idea for a product. In fact this is such a great idea that he brought then to a few local stores, with also 60 of them across the country. Who will be the next person to invent something unimaginable will it be YOU?

1 comment:

  1. Finally, a candle that doesn't smell like a fairy tail. When ever I go to a store looking for a candle for my room I like to choose a scent of my liking, in other words I wont want the smell of flowers or cupcake. What a genius idea for a person my age.


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