06 October, 2016

Teen Turns Hobby Into Global Business

Teen Runs Global Business!

Image result for bella weems Bella Weems was a fourteen year old who had a simple dream of owning her own car by the time she could drive. After one month of babysitting she still wasn't making any progress,so she talked to her parents about starting her own business. Her parents gave her a small loan to start the business that was soon named  Origami Owl's.Bella combined her art skills and a childhood hobby of decorating jewelry to create a business that lets you purchase custom lockets.To get the busines started Bella held parties to get her business going.She invited friends ans family who were interested in the product.Everyone bought the chains,the locket,and the charms that go inside.Bella's product was so popular she created a web sight to get more avertisment,she also got her product out there by wearing the lockets.Bella and her mother got about 60,00 dollars a week when they opened a small kiosk,an d not long after that her business went completely global.Bella had a simple dream that she made a reality.She is now a millionair, why cant you do that?

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