06 October, 2016

Chase Reed's Shoes


The entrepreneur I will be writing about is Chase Reed who is a 16 year old who sells shoes at his very own pawn shop. Chase says he is always on social media and even his dad Troy Reed doesn't care because for every like he gets they make money. Chase didn't always start out like this when he was 14 he had over 200 pairs of shoes. Chase's dad ended up making Chase sell all his shoes
and with all that money opened a small pawn shop. Chase's system of making money trading and selling so he will trade a shoe in the store for another, Chase has acquired two pairs of the Back to the Future futuristic shoes. The total count of total earnings over 30,000 dollars in about a year. My question for you is do you think eventually you can acquire 200 pairs of shoes.


  1. I think it is very amazing how he turns his lifestyle into something like that. I also think it would be tiring to get 200 shoes, although I guess regular shoe stores have that. My mom always gets angry that I have more than two. Going back to your question, I think I would never be able to gain more than 6 shoes. This is probably due to the "mom" variable. Anyways I think this was a very cool and fun topic.

  2. First of all I do not think that i will ever get 30,000 dollars from selling shoes. Also I think that this kid is amazing and incredible for even making shoes. I could not even do that. My challenge for you is try too make a jacket.


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