05 October, 2016

Manly scented candles!?

Have you ever smelled a manly scented candle before? Because a 14 year old made a business off them. This 14 year old Entrepreneur named Hart Main. "It started off as a joke" he said, until it became a actual business. This interests me because my mom has so many candles and they all usually smell good. My dad doesn't like the smell of them though. Manly candles would solve that problem for me and my parents. Would you and your family buy manly scented candles?


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    2. I would because I would want to try what they smell like. I personally like most candles because they smell good but I am totally down for the idea of manly candles. Maybe if you had friends over and you didn't want them to be like why do you have girly scented candles then you could buy these. I think my dad would like them what about you?

  3. It's kind of funny that he just started is off as a joke and it turned into a whole business that is making him a lot of money.I am pretty sure that the person who made the manly scented candled also made a thing called a man in a can which is a pop-up man.
    I would totally buy the "manly scented" candles.


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