05 October, 2016

Emerson Spartz- The Youngest Muggle Educator and Informer


Harry Potter fans all around the world can go to one website to find absolute solitude from the muggles around us. Or maybe the muggles around us are tired of getting dirty glances and annoyed groans and go to the website to learn enough to please us the next time we meet in the halls. Either way, everyone pleases everyone when you go to MuggleNet, the world's #1 Harry Potter website.
Image result for hermione gif
Emerson Spartz was 12 years old when he decided he was going to create MuggleNet. At first he thought Harry Potter was very stupid, but then he read the books and like the rest of us, his life was blessed. Soon, his website got 50 million views a month, and raised 35 million from funding. He has met J.K. Rowling and considers it "the best moment of his life." Now, Emerson and his wife operate and own DOSE Media, one of the fastest-growing digital companies. I know I would look at his website, would you?


  1. This is so cool! I really want to go on the website now! I really like how included the link to the website so all the witches and wizards reading this can be away from all the muggles out there. Would you ever create a website based on harry potter? This was a really good post!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That was awesome! I liked the title, and how it drew me in. Once I saw the word "Muggle" I immediately clicked on this. And yeah, amazing idea for writing about this. I went to the website and thought it was pretty amazing. Would you want to meet Emerson?

  4. Ummm....yes! I definitely appreciate a welcome respite from all of the muggles that surround us all. Those poor souls! Oh well, perhaps they just haven't gotten their letters yet.
    : )


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