05 October, 2016

14 year old entrepreneur turns down $30 million dollar paycheck

Have you ever heard the catchphrase "There's no crying in baseball!"? Well 14-year-old student athlete named Taylor Rosenthal, who plays first base and pitcher for his high school baseball team, has created a first aid vending machine. He came up with this idea when he would go on tournaments with his team and see families go all over the place for a pack of band-aids when they only needed one or two. His medical vending machine is called RecMec and is already getting offers from big name company, Six flags. If you were him would you have turned down the $30 million dollar paycheck?


  1. 30 million dollars who turns down something like that how? That is a good idea the vending machine is but who turns down such an offer. Though how much money is charged per band aid in the vending machine and what other than things are in the vending machine are there just different sized bandages or something else entirely

  2. I really like the meme, but who would turn down 30 million dollars?? I know no kid in Okemos would. Especially in 7th grade. That is crazy!!

  3. I really like the meme, but who would turn down 30 million dollars?? I know no kid in Okemos would. Especially in 7th grade. That is crazy!!


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