05 October, 2016

Shiny Things made by Bella Weems

Does it make you feel bad that you’re sitting around doing practically nothing while another person in the world is leading a booming business? Most likely you’re a teenager that thinks that you could only make proper money when you're older. Now don’t get insulted, I said most likely. Maybe you’re aware that there are tons of entrepreneurs who started their business in their teen years. Bella Weems is one of them.

Who in the world is Bella Weems you ask? Well, she’s the founder of Origami Owl, which is a jewelry company (Ooh, that rhymes) that sells customization lockets. And she started that business when she was fourteen years old! The jeweler started off with $350 (earned by babysitting), family support, and a dream of getting her dream car by her 16th birthday. At first she and her mother bought vintage glass lockets and filled them with pieces of jewelry but soon that turned into a full blown business. Now she has been running Origami Owl for at least 6 years, and one of her new goals is to help others discover their dreams. But would you start your very own business if you got the chance?


  1. I would try to start my own business. In fact I have a business. I'm just starting it. I make earrings. This was a very good article. I like how you had a whole introduction at the beginning.

  2. Good article. It's incredible that Bella has her own jewelry business. I would try to create my own business. I used to sell lemonade at my family's garage sales. I am going to sell earrings made of old fashioned keys at my uncle's booth at a craft show. Do you create crafts to sell?


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