09 October, 2016

Teen Entrepreneur: Dance

Ever since 17 year old Lacey Koughan was 12, she always wanted to open her own dance school. Lacey lives in Charlottetown, Canada. She danced ever since she was four years old. She wanted to open her own dance school because she likes to teach kids how to dance and to share her passion with others. She has been saving up money from other jobs for her business. Lacey plans to begin teaching on April 14th and she already has 25 students for the three weekly classes. She never believed that you have to be older to make a difference. Will you make a difference like Lacey?


  1. Wow! It's really cool that she wanted to start a dance school at such a young age and then worked hard to make it happen. I love how she believed that age does not make a difference in what you do and I to agree with her on that.

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  5. I think it is so cool that Lacey wanted to share her passion with others. Also the fact that she is taking time out of her day to do so. I love how she can prove that your age does not matter. I'm sure she has taught many people,including me, to follow your dreams and to work hard. Do you think you will one day start a business?


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