05 October, 2016

Making Chemistry Fun

Have you ever wondered if chemistry could be fun? Well one young entrepreneur has achieved that for you. This young entrepreneur's name is Anshul Samar born in Silicon Valley, San Francisco he was 14 when he made his chemistry game Elementeo.
While Anshul was growing up he loved to play board games like monopoly, but after a while he said, it became boring. So he started a game that only had attack and defense, but afterwards he started to draw his characters with the money he gained. He wanted to give life to his characters and personalities. As his project grew he hired professional drawers to draw his characters. As the project grew and grew, he had to whittle at it because it was to confusing.
What Anshul did made kids and teachers happy because it was fun and it made the kids learn chemistry. Anshul made it a board game and not a video game because he wanted to have teachers to access it easily. Even though he was making Elementeo he did his homework for school. After he was done with the game, he said that it was interesting to work on Elementeo because it let him meet new people. Also he has his own motto, it is create, combat, conquer.
Now you have learned about Anshul Samar and Elementeo. He created a board game that had chemistry involved, like Anhul what will you achieve?
Image result for anshul samar

1 comment:

  1. That is very cool. He had a very good idea to make it into a board game and not a video game. Teachers probably appreciate that. It actually sounds like a pretty cool game and I think that I might try it some time. Ryan do you ever think you would make a game on math to make it fun? If so that’d be cool.


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