05 October, 2016

Bubble Ball

My teen entrepreneur is Robert Nay who is now about 18.

Robert Nay was a 14 year old boy who was suggested by his friends to make an iPhone game. He had no previous coding experience and managed to pull it off. After a few months of working on it and 4,000 lines of coding his game, Bubble ball was done. After a total cost of 1,200 dollars for the project he put it on the app store in December 2010. In just the first 2 weeks it got a whopping 2 million downloads. In just a month or two it knocked out the previous most popular game, Angry Birds. It's really amazing what you can do because someone who could have been me literally had no previous coding experience and made an extremely popular game. Of course now it's harder to make something original but still he got millions of downloads and millions of dollars in a somewhat easy way. Now Robert's game has 16 million downloads and sure more to come. Roberts quote "You can do amazing things if you just try."
Do you think Robert Nay deserves all this fame from his game bubble ball?

1 comment:

  1. That is a really cool article. I think that Robert Nay does deserve that fame because he worked for it. I think that it cool that he had no coding experience, but still made a game that had millions of downloads. Do you think you could make a game that gets millions of downloads.


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