04 October, 2016

Girl Makes and Sells Lockets

Hi everyone!

14 year old Bella Weems really wanted a car because most of her friends were 16 and already were driving. Her parents said that she had to afford the car herself. So she started selling lockets at these "parties " she had. Lots of people liked them and some paid up to $72 for them. She called her company "Origami Owl" In 2012 she made $250 million dollars just by selling little lockets she made!  Would you ever sell any kind of thing you made yourself?


  1. Wow, what a dream come true. I wish getting a car was like this for everyone. I like how you mentioned how much money she has made. She can afford lots of cars now!The picture of the lockets you included are super pretty. I think I've heard about "Owl Origami" before. These lockets seem super sentimental and customizable (if that's a word). I'd love to go to one of her parties. If you could sell a product, would you open a store, or host parties?

    1. Thank you!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is so cool! I think it's good that you added some of the names or types of necklaces she has. I also liked that you told us how much money she sold necklaces for, and that you included something about her parties. Can you imagine getting a car just by selling necklaces?

    1. I really cannot imagine getting a car by selling necklaces! It would be very cool though!

  3. 250 Million dollars? Wow! I doubt I could ever make that much money off of homemade items. I'm not artist, haha. But I still think this is really cool, the lockets are neat looking. Would you make a business out of homemade items?

  4. Wow! 250 million dollars! It's incredible that she started this business to earn some money to buy herself a car but ended up with a huge buisness that eventually made millions.

  5. Wow that is so cool that she made millions selling handmade lockets. This reminds me of when I was younger and making pipe cleaner necklaces. I am amazed at how she could buy a car with her profits. I think it is so cool because most teens when they think of a high school job they think of working at a store but she started a business!!! Do you think you will ever own a business?


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