06 October, 2016

Entrepreneurs are seven year olds now?

This generation of teens are witty enough to be professional entrepreneurs before they are out of their teen years (or before they are even in their teen years). Take for example, Sebastian Martinez who is a seven year old, but already is a CEO of his own company. He collected colorful socks and his mom suggested he should make his own. It took off from there. With the help of his older brother, Brandon Martinez, he made 15,000 dollars in 2014. He also started his own company named Are you Kidding? I find Sebastian very inspiring because if a seven year old can start a company that instantly grew then we should believe anybody can. Are you inspired yet?

Image result for sebastian martinez entrepreneur

(Information gathered from CNBC)


  1. Wow! I didn’t know that there were entrepreneurs that young! I have this one question though, why did he name his company Are You Kidding? Also did he make his own socks or did he sell the socks he gathered? Now my question to you, if you could start any business what would it be?

  2. That is pretty cool. Changing something as small as socks, and turning it into a successful business. Seems like an accomplishment for me! And at 7 years old, that's a smart kid. How did he get his business noticed? Did he make ads or something? Would you make a company for socks?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love that instead of a teen entrepreneur, you went out and found an entrepreneur that is no older than seven. The fact that someone younger than me was able to start a booming business is very inspiring. And when you said that Sebastian's mother told him that he should make his own socks, did he learn how to make them from the internet or someone in his family?


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