06 October, 2016

Young YouTuber Changes the World

Does Osteogenesis Imperfecta stop him? No!  This twelve year old boy named Robby Novak a youtuber that started at 8 years old doesn’t let his disease that makes his bones brittle stop him from changing the world.  Robby Novak or as you may know him, Kid President, makes videos that are all over the internet from amazing women leaders to pep talks, he is making the world a better place video by video.
soulpancake logo.jpg

12 year old Robby works for SoulPancake on Youtube, they are a channel that makes inspirational and mind blowing videos.  Robby started making videos for his brother and him for a hobby but soon realized that other people may like him too.  He posted one on YouTube and that turned out well, he posted more and SouPancake invited Robby to be on their channel.

Kid president currently lives in Tennessee, where he is still making the world a better place. After meeting Barack Obama, releasing his own book called Kid President’s Guide to Being Awesome and going through a leg surgery, he is grateful and still making videos.

Remember “you were made to be awesome”.  What will he do to “make the world more awesome”?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hannah I loved your article! I liked that you included something about Robby Novak's disease, because I did not know he had something going on in his life like that! To be honest, I didn't even know his full name. I also liked how you added how he started to make the videos, because I didn't know he made them for his brother either. Do you watch a lot of Kid President?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This was a really good article Hannah!I really like how you wrote about his disease. I didn't know he had something like that. This was a great topic to write about and I remember starting to watch kid president in 3rd grade. I think it’s crazy how he is younger than we are and still so inspirational. He could definitely become a speaker at schools or big events when he is older. Thank you for making me remember this guy. Would you ever become a speaker at a school?

  5. I think we should take a deeper look into his disease and how it affects him. I know it sure as heck hasn't slowed him down. Great post!


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