07 October, 2016

Teen Paid for College by Etsy

               Lei-lei started her business at 16 years old and it was a business revolving around handmade wire jewelry. She made around 100,000 dollars in making handmade jewelry and selling it on Etsy that was in the time period of 3 years. After all that success Lei-lei was awarded a couple of different awards such as the Young entrepreneur of the Year Award and National Federation of Independence Business. Then she designed her own website. She kept the same name for both her Etsy shop and her website Designed By Lei. She sold all sorts of jewelry from bracelets to earrings and necklaces if you needed a pretty accessory she would have it. Lei-lei made a lot of profit with this business and she even payed for her college! She did have a scholarship but she went to a school that was not in the same state she lived in so she had to pay extra. Can you belive that she started of as a teen making rings in her room and eventually made enough money ti get her all the way to college. If she could why couldn't you?

Image result for designed by lei
Image result for designed by lei


  1. Good post! Next time, however, bury the actual website into the word "website" in your writing. See me for instructions if you are not sure.

  2. Wow, this is so cool! This got my attention right away! These rings are so cool. It’s really cool to think that anyone can create an idea like this. This reminds me of how I used to make beaded necklaces back in first  grade. But it’s amazing on how she used to do this in her room and now she has a business. Total wow factor. Did you ever get anything of hers?


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