18 March, 2015

Mount Kinabalu is HYPE

Mount Kinabalu, on the island of Borneo, Malaysia, is one of the many mountains in Southeast Asia that people go to visit. This fascinating (I am trying to use better describing words) mountain is the tallest mountain on the island of Borneo. It is exactly 13,435 feet tall. Mount Kinabalu is the main attraction of Kinabalu National Park. The breath taking mountain attracts people from all over Southeast Asia. Finally, this mountain’s forests are home to one of the four great ape species of the world, the orangutan. These amazing creatures are very shy and rarely seen. The population of this animal kind in Mount Kinabalu is about 50 to 100 orangutans, which is a very scarce number. Overall, Mount Kinabalu sounds like a very astonishing place to visit. Would you like to visit Mount Kinabalu?   

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