06 March, 2015

करणी माता मंदिर

 I think the most interesting place we visited was the Temple of Karni Mata. I think that it
cool when kids die they come back to Earth as rats. There are approximately 20,000 black reacts in the temple. These holy rats are called kabbas, and many people travel great distances to pay their respects.The temple draws visitors from across the country for blessings, as well as curious tourists from around the world.Legend has it that Laxman, Karni Mata's stepson (or the son of one of her storytellers), drowned in a pond in Kapil Sarovar in Kolayat Tehsil while he was attempting to drink from it. Karni Mata implored Yama, the god of death, to revive him. First refusing, Yama eventually relented, permitting Laxman and all of Karni Mata's male children to be reincarnated as rats. Although I am not a fan of rats, this was definitely one of my favorite places.

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