18 March, 2015

Krabi Thailand is a place with beautiful beaches and limestone cliffs. Krabi would be an extraordinary(expanding on vocab) place to go to just for the sheer beauty. I mean look at pictures how could you not want to be there right now? There is so many of those tall rock formations in the water I just want to climb them and swim in the water. I wonder if the water is as clear as the water in the Dominican Republic (where you can walk 30 feet out and still see your toes!) Getting back on topic, you can go on hikes and have other adventures. If you could go on a two day hike in Krabi would you? Why or why not?


  1. I agree Parker, Krabi is a very beautiful place to live in. I heard that there are monsoons during May and November. I would love to swim in the water on that beach. I learned that Krabi is located in the southern province of Thailand. I also saw that there are 80 smaller provinces in Krabi. The top destinations are Ko Lanta National Park and also Krabi province. Lot of people like to fish there and the best time to come there is during the drier months. Hamil had also talked about Halong bay which you might want to read it talks something similar to yours but Halong Bay is Vietnam.

  2. I looked through some photos and maps of Krabi, Thailand, and the cliffs are amazingly high up. Would be fun to dive off, and while the cliffs are tall and kind of neat many of them are made from limestone. Also under those cliffs there are tons of caves that go under Krabi and one of them contained stone tools and pottery from thousands of years ago! There are about 150 islands around Krabi and one of them, Ko Phi Phi Leh was used in the film The Beach. Krabi means “sword”, and the province was named that because of a sword unearthed soon after founding the county. You might want to check ebardy’s (Ewasseset) post since it is also about Thailand.


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