19 March, 2015

Are Temples boring to you?

Did you know that there are many temples in Bagan? If you didn’t know, now you do. Some examples of these temples are the Ananda Temple, The Byan Nyu Temple, Dhammayan Gyi Temple, the Htilo Minlo Temple, and many more. Ananda Temple is like a museum. You can study all different types of arts here, such as architecture, stone sculpture, and wood carving. The Byan Nyu Temple was built by King Alaung Sithu in 1144 A.D. The Dhammayan Temple was built by King Narathu in 1170 AD.The Htilo Minlo Temple was built in 1218 AD by Htilo Minlo Min. Would you go to see any of these temples?


  1. First off, no. I wouldn’t want to visit these temples for 2 reasons. 1, I don’t like museums and I don’t like old things (music, movies, cars, and clothing don’t count.) 2, temples seem like they are pyramids in disguise. I never liked the pyramids. I also don’t like things in disguise. Especially other buildings. So back to my point. No I wouldn’t want to go there because they are agents from the Matrix disguised as temples. Which falls under my dislike category. Which is a very bad thing don’t you know?

  2. Wow! These temples look like something I saw at Disney World. Of course, these temples are much much older and don’t contain an annoying mouse. I found out the the Shwezigon Temple that was started by King Anawrahta and finished by King Kyanzittha in 1089 actually contains bones and hairs of the Buddha! It sounds like there are a lot of interesting temples in Bagan. I think it would be worth to see. You should look at Leo’s blog it has a picture of Thatbyinnyu temple. Dont you think the temples are beautiful?


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