16 March, 2015

Royalty and Weaves

Luang Prabang, Laos, is a fascinatingly beautiful place to visit! It’s also a center of museums and architecture, like The Royal Palace Museum. In this museum, people have to come dressed appropriately, (meaning no sleeveless shirts or shirts). The museum was built in 1904, originally a palace of the king. When you walk in, you have an entry hall, and all of the rooms are spread out around the house. Some rooms are even left precisely (I’m trying to include higher vocabulary in my writing) like the king left it. Some even feature a show of objects from his era!! But along with visiting extraordinary places, you can also be involved in part of the culture. By learning how to weave your own scarf with bamboo is quite an exquisite experience! So, out of all the places Mr. Hopper suggested, which one are you most interested in visiting and/or researching?

1 comment:

  1. I don't know, but I would like to figure out how to knit with bamboo! Ok...or just knit in general. Or perhaps just watch someone else do it.


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