18 March, 2015

Myanmar Sports

Myanmar has two sports they mainly play. Those sports are boxing and Chinlone. Chinlone is a traditional sport that uses a rattan or cane ball measuring about 4 inches in diameter. The purpose of the game is to keep the ball in the air and you can only use your feet, knees, elbows, shoulders, or head. Myanmar uses traditional boxing and has no specific rules, except they are not allowed to bite, scratch, or kick the opponent in the groin. The winner is the person who draws blood from the opponent four times. Which one of these sports would you like to play?


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  2. I would definitely prefer Chinlone, considering I wouldn’t have to fight a 185 pound guy trying to knock me out. Ouch! Although I would be horrible at trying to keep the ball in the air, and probably would end up knocking someone out, It seems better than boxing. Rumors have it that football fever has risen in Myanmar. Football has so famous to the extent that they are starting to say ‘Buddhism, family and football’ are the main beliefs of society. Wow. I started looking at other post and, I thought you should have a look at Marie’s because it seems that Bali has some really places to visit. If you were a well known boxer and Chinlone player you would most likely love to be surrounded by amazing resort, ride elephants, and watch out for active volcanoes! (Okay maybe not that one.) Would you rather visit Bali or the Descending Dragon?


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