20 November, 2017

Indus Valley's mystery

I think the Indus Valley Civilization was my favorite from the ancient world playlist. It's because it is so unique and different from the other civilizations and many things about it are still kept as a mystery. No weapons or any evidence of fighting or wars have been discovered, it was very peaceful and also wealthy and successful, which is hard to imagine it working out back in the old time period. And also the cities were well organized and sanitary. The downfall of the Indus Valley civilization is also mysterious, and we don’t know if it was caused by invading Aryans or natural causes. If I had a time machine, I will go back to the ancient times and learn their secrets and bring them advanced farming tools for growing crops better and easier! What would you do if you had a time machine?
Image result for gif time machine


  1. I agree that the civilization was unique. I also agree that the Indus Valley civilization was peaceful. How do you know that they were sanitary though? I agree that bringing them advanced farming tools would really help them become a better civilization. If I had a time machine, I would go to the future and find the best technology and go back. What item would you take from the future?

  2. i really like your blog but i choose the Babylonia because of all the thing they made up like the times table.


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