17 November, 2017

The Indus Valley Civilisation is the best!!!!!!!!

I think the Indus Valley Civilisation was my favorite. I like the Indus Valley civilisation because it is so much different from the other civilisations and some things about it are still mysterious. For example, not much about the Indus Valley civilisation apart from two major cities. No weapons or any evidence of fighting or wars have been discovered, and the cities were well organized and sanitary. Much of our knowledge comes from a set of religious texts known as the Vedas. The downfall of the Indus Valley civilisation is also mysterious, and we don’t know if it was caused by invading Aryans or natural causes.


  1. I like how you said that "the cities were well organized and sanitary" not clean. You added some very important details and in the end, added two theories of how the civilization collapsed. Like what Mr. Hopper said, at the end of your post, you should an exit strategy, like a question. Also, civilization isn't spelled "civilisation," so you should check your spelling. Overall, I liked your post!

  2. I like that you noticed that no battles had been fought there, and how there was only two cities. The downfall is mysterious, and I agree that it was probably by natural causes, because there was no signs of struggle at their site. I hope at some point, we can discover what has happened to them. Nice job on your blog!


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