21 November, 2017


My Favorite one to learn about was the Babylonians because they were so interesting and what they created was amazing. First off they created the multiplication tables which made us smart today and made Mrs. Baker happy. Also, they made the Calenders so we know when we are supposed to go to school and appointments. Also, they made the 60 minute hour that helps us live our lives and know what time we have to be to school and when school starts and when it ends.


  1. I agree! I think it is fasinating how the Babylonians created multiplication tables and how that has helped me sooooooooooooooooooo much in life!

  2. Yes the babylonians were very well skilled people! What is fascinating to me is that things they created long ago are used in present time. Mrs. Baker will be very happy with the way the Babylonians made the multiplication table Are the babylonians your favorite because they made the multiplication table too?


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