16 November, 2017



Image result for ancient china

   My favorite country's civilization was China because there were lots of backgrounds of China for me. Since China was big and powerful country in Asia, it affects to lots of countries. There are lots of cultures from China. I'll be not happy if I live in that time because male was more important than female, there will be no advantages for me. However, if I am a boy, then there are lots of advantages because there was confucius' teaching, and so on. Also I  think silk road is a great invention(?) because they could trade their culture, and goods. What is your favorite civilization?

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome to have background with chinese people and places. I would agree with you on the cultures. My favorite was the Chinese and my reasons are over on my blog "Chinese Ancient Civilizations! Terracotta Warriors!" I focused more on the Terracotta Warriors. What was your most favorite part about the Chinese Civilization?


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