17 November, 2017

China Is My City

China on Samsung Galaxy S8 (April 2017)China is my City... I mean Ancient CivilizationChina on Samsung Galaxy S8 (April 2017)

My favorite civilization to learn about was the Ancient Chinese civilizations. What I thought made them interesting was the Mandate of Heaven. I was really interested in the Mandate because it was basically a law that said if you didn’t treat your people right, you can’t be leader anymore. People believed that when when one emperor was overthrown, he had lost the Mandate and the new emperor had been gifted with the Mandate.

If I had to live with them and experience what they experienced, I think I wouldn’t be able to do that. I’m so used to this modern life where many things come easy, where back then they had to work for everything.

If I were to magically travel through time and give them a tool, I would give them a camera. I know it's not really a “tool”, but it would help us know what it really looked like back then and in some cases, what really happened back then.

If China is my city? What is your city and why?


    Hahaha I was just kidding, the Philippines would be my city because… well I was raised there until I was ten years old. Also I can speak three different dialects (excluding the main language, I only understand it if someone speaks to me, I can’t speak it to anyone….seriously when I went to UNO-R one of our subjects was Tagalog which was the main language of the Philippines and my average was a 89%). So I’m just gonna log off now and think about how I even passed that class.

  2. I agree about not being able to live in ancient China, they had a lot of strange laws, and I would probably end up getting beheaded or something like that. How do you think you would die in 'your city'? I know that may be a weird question, but seriously.

  3. A camera...brilliant. I mean that!


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