20 November, 2017

How is Indus Valley not Pompeii?


Image result for indus valley
Indus River Valley civilization.

     When I say Pompeii, what do you think of (besides the volcano)? Go on, type it right now before you continue reading. Indus Valley now comes to my mind when I hear or read the word Pompeii because, in many ways, they were very similar which is just incredible in my opinion. The great thing is that Indus Valley existed about 3000 years before Pompeii and they both practically had the same technology. So to me, it makes Indus Valley even better since they were pretty much 3000 years more advanced than the other civilizations in their time. Some of these advancements include bathing areas with clean water and sewage systems draining waste. Wouldn't it be the best to live in a remote area that has those kinds of luxuries so you wouldn't have to live in the smell of poop and uncleaned people? Not to mention how clean the people stayed fewer diseases affected the people so honestly, isn't this really the best place?

1 comment:

  1. Ok well I cant exactly think of anything other than volcanos when you mention Pompeii becuase I dont know anything about it except the very famous death of thousands of humans from the giant volcanic explosion that occured in Pompeii.

    Yea, I guess but id radther live today tho bc i have friends here and I kind of already obtain those luxurys.

    Yes in that time period.


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