20 November, 2017


The Indus Valley civilization should have ruled the the world because they were so  peaceful. They were smart and they could write. They built carefully made cities so that they wouldn’t get flooded and built in straight streets. The Indus valley civilization (also known as the Harappans) people even had plumbing right down to the house just outside the city.
The lack of fighting is what makes this civilization so interesting. There is very few weapons found in the areas where they used to live. There is no sign of the Harappans being invaded or physically killed as human bones have no signs of those things. Unfortunately it seems that there were rivers that changed course that caused this civilization to break up and die. The people stopped trading, writing, and making seals.
It would have been so cool to have lived with them because it would be different from today since it was 4,600 years ago, but they had plumbing and writing so it wouldn’t be to bad to live then. I think I could cope pretty well with what they dealt with because if I lived back then I would know what to do and stuff like that.

If I could transport one thing to back than to help those people, I would give them tape measures because they were very precise with length and weight ( I looked the Harappans up) and tape measures would be very helpful with kind of stuff. So that the end of my blog.  

1 comment:

  1. I wish that Indus beliefs were alive today, then there wouldn't be wars or violence. Instead of inventing nukes, people would invent jet packs that everyone could use, and to-go boxes for ice cream. Also innocent people wouldn't die in a fight, also people can't get PTSD form wars.


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