20 November, 2017

Indus Valley: They Were Probably Time Travelling Wizards

My favorite civilization to learn about was the Indus Valley civilization. I think that it was interesting how in cities like Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, archaeologists haven't found any weapons, armor, or anything else like that. This probably means that they didn't have any violent uprisings or wars. They also didn't build any grand monuments and didn't bury the dead with riches, unlike the Egyptians and Mesopotamians. This shows that they were very practical and worked towards improving their current society. I think that this was very interesting. Not only that, but the Indus Valley civilization was very advanced for its time. They built buildings above sea level, so if the Indus River violently flooded, the buildings would be safe. They were also very sanitary. They had a drainage and sewage system, which would carry human waste outside of the city. Plus, they had a canal system so that crops would watered thoroughly and evenly. This is what makes them more interesting than the other civilizations we learned about. If I went back time to live with them, I think I would have struggled, because they wouldn't have had any modern conveniences, like internet, air conditioning, etc. However, I think I would be able to live there, because they were very peaceful, had plenty of food, and were very clean. I think life jackets would be a very useful tool for them, because when the Indus flooded, people would be able to float and a lot less people would drown. Well, now you've heard my boring opinion. What's your favorite civilization and why?

Image result for indus valley civilization


  1. I also did the Indus Valley, and I completely agree with you. They were definitely advanced for their time by building the buildings the way they did. Also I thought it was really cool too how they had drainage and sewage systems. Why do you think the never had they never had war like the other civilizations?

  2. I also wrote about the Indus Valley people and I agree with you, they were super interesting and smart. They were clean, they built great cities. And best of all they were peaceful which back then was pretty much unthinkable.


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