20 November, 2017


Blood shed, violence, emperors, death, all of these things were common things in the ancient civilizations. Except for one, the Indus Valley settlement. Located in Northwest India the Indus Valley seemed to have had none of these things, archeologists have NO proof of weapons or armies, but have found a very smart and well developed civilization with the smarts to build their settlement on high ground to protect them from floods and they had canals for irrigation letting them have a surplus of food. The tool that most likely helped them the most was probably PEACE. Without the Indus Valley Settlement would not be what it is. So now I ask you, how in the frickin frick did such a civilization exist with the horrids of the ancient world around them?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure how they survived with no army because like you said it was crazy out there. But I think that maybe because they were built on platforms people just didn't have the courage to try to invade them. Finally my question to you Vincent is why do you like the Indus Valley the best.


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