16 November, 2017

Indus Valley All The Way

    The Indus Valley is by far the best ancient civilization. And I am including the Ancient Nile Civilizations too. The Indus Valley Civilizations are peaceful because they have natural borders. Since they are peaceful they focus most of their time on other things such as inventing the first sophisticated sewage systems. That's right, without them we wouldn't have plumbing. And the most interesting part about them is that they vanished mysteriously. We only have theories about why they disappeared. Since I know other people have different thoughts about their own favorite Ancient Civilization, what is your favorite Ancient Civilization?

Image result for indus valley gif


  1. Intresting view! I agree with you when you said "That's right, without them we wouldn't have plumbing!" Totally a big deal!I like Indus Valley the best too! Check out my post, "Indus Valley? Unicorns? Yep, Just Click Here!"

  2. I think you have a very interesting view on the Indus Valley civilisation. Although They did invent toilets and the other stuff you mentioned, I think the Indus Valley people weren’t as important because Western civilisation had to rediscover all of the stuff anyway after the dark ages. Other civilisations I think might’ve contributed more.


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