21 November, 2017

Why the Babylonian Empire is the best.

I think the Babylonian Empire is the most interesting thing that we learned because they invented the calendar and simple mathematics. I don't think I would enjoy living with them though. They did a lot of work and I need my sleep.  I think that the calendar was a big part of their civilizations discoveries (if that makes sense.) If I could bring them a tool from right now it would be a sickle, because that would make farming easier.


  1. I like how you worded your blog it was a nice piece that you wrote. Well done! Very nice detail in writing your blog. I wish I wrote my blog similar to yours because it is such a nice blog. Farming is very important to everyone all over the world. Nice you have more than 75 words good work. Keep it up Meghan.

  2. I totally agree with you. I really don't want to live with the Babylonians because we all need our sleep. I also agree with you that they are interesting because they invented math and the calendar. I always wondered how math started! I really like how you made your blog simple and informative. Good job.


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