19 November, 2017

Indus Valley, going once, going twice...


I learned about a lot of civilizations this unit, but definitely, my favorite is the Indus River Valley civilization. Unlike the other civilizations, they took a practical approach to supporting regular people, not only the rich. They were also (supposedly) more peaceful than other civilizations, because few weapons were found. Findings also show that the people of Indus Valley were well organized and very clean. If I went and lived with them, I think I would have struggled, because we have so many modern day appliances that help us do tasks. Back then all they had were there two hands, and maybe a few tools. Also, we are very dependent on technology which definitely wouldn't have been there in ancient civilization. Now tell me, what was your favorite civilization?

Image result for indus river valley memes


  1. That's very true Arohi!Your article is making me want to change my favorite. I like how you said that they were more peaceful than the others. My favorite civilization is the babylonians. Are the babylonians the only civilization you like or do you like otheer civilizations as well?

  2. I also like the Indus Valley the best. I also probably wouldn't of been able to live with them because i'm so used to having technology and an endless amount of food but I think that if I was born at that time I would want to live in the Indus Valley because they were clean, organized, and peaceful.


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