20 November, 2017

A PEACEFUL CIVILIZATION ( that ended over 1,000 year ago )

If you ask me what my favorite ancient world civilization is, the it would definitely have to be the Indus valley. Why?because it was very clean and had high technology. They had a pipe connected to each house that led to a drainage system. And did I mention they had BRICK houses? You may not be impressed now, but think about it, it was an ancient civilization! I think this civ was different from others because it was peaceful. Very little weapons were to be found, and there was no sign of an army. If I lived with this civilization, I would have been much more clever and problem solving. They had a way to prevent flooding, and they had fun board games. I would give the Indus valley cars. That's because they can escape the flooding or whatever made this civilization end. Because it really was interesting. Too bad the village ended under mysterious circumstances. My question is, how did they end? Tell me what you think!

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