19 November, 2017


What do you think of when you say "Ancient civilizations?"  You might think of people living in caves and hunting dinosaurs, or if you have done Mr. Hopper's Ancient World playlist, then you would think of different cultures, like the Babylonians and the Ancient Chinese. Now, think of your favorite civilization that you learned about, I don'y know about you, but my favorite was the Indus Valley Civilization! One of the reasons why the Indus Valley people were my favorite was because they invented some important things that we use today, like a sewage system. Another reason is because they weren't all about war like the other civilizations that existed at the same time as them. I also like that unlike civilizations like the Babylonians, we don't know why or how they disappeared. I think that if we gave them an invention that we have now, then we would be a lot more advanced in technology then we currently are. Now, this is all just my opinion so you don't need to agree with me, but which civilization is your favorite?

                                                           Image result for indus valley civilization


  1. I like your opinion but my favorite civilization is the Babylonia. It is my favorite because my favorite subject is math and the Babylonians invented the 60 minute hour, calendar with 12 lunar months and multiplication table. It is also my favorite because knowing the time is very important and the multiplication table is useful for math. Babylonia created a calendar, what did Indus valley created.

  2. I really like your opening sentence. My favorite is the Egyptians because they dressed cool. I also liked the Indus Valley because they were calm. I also really liked your closing sentence because it asks a question about the civilization.


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