21 November, 2017

Indus Valley knowledge

My favorite civilization to learn about was the Indus Valley. I thought they were interesting because there was no evidence of an army and they had very few weapons. I think that I would not have done good if I lived with them because they did not have any modern day technology or food. Another thing that I found interesting that they probably wouldn't have survived without is the giant platforms there civilization was built on to protect them from floods and pollution. I think if they had the saw because it would make it so they could build stuff easier. My question to you is what is your favorite civilization.


  1. I would 100% agree on this blog. I think the are the most interesting civilization. Also I never thought on how much a saw will help them. That is funny that you would not do so good there. ALl in all I think this was a very well written blog so good job!

    1. Thanks for the comment I like how you thought it was funny that I wouldn't survive but it's probably true.

  2. I liked your blog also. I thought it was funny when you said that you wouldn't survive. I have one suggestion though, next time tell us what kind of things they would be able to build with a saw. Otherwise it is great! My question to you is: what civilization would you be able to survive in the longest.


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