19 November, 2017

Indus Valley, Just Like Everyone Else :(

   My favorite ancient civilizations to learn about were definitely those in the Indus Valley. They intrigued me right from the beginning. The fact that they were so peaceful, while other civilizations of the time were warring and conquering each other brutally. The fact that their cities were so well planned out, and their elaborate flood protection systems made me admire them all the more. I would send them the toothbrush, because they most likely did not have any adequate way to maintain proper dental hygiene, and this would greatly help them. I know this would not be very monumental, but  I wanted to stay away from sending anything that would put their peace at risk. I think that I would not have done that bad in their civilization, because they were not nearly so brutal as many other civilizations of the time. If I had grown up then, I would be used to it already and think it was fine. How would you fare in your favorite ancient civilization? 
Image result for ancient civilizations comic stripsImage result for ancient civilizations comic strips


  1. I also love the Indus Valley Settlement, just how exactly did such a peaceful civilization exist with all of this blood shed and violence going on around them? They also had a very advanced city with many different things to protect them from threats.

  2. I also like the fact that the Indus people were so peaceful, but what's the fun in that. With that peaceful life compared to living in the Chinese civilization would definitely be better but there's no adventure! The fact that you would give them the toothbrush is humorous, but it wouldn't really work without toothpaste! "Where's the toothpaste Beckett!"


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