20 November, 2017


My most favorite civilization is China for sure. they were really advanced, and they made tools that we still use now. For example, they thought up of making paper! The Chinese first started writing on silk. That then turned into bark. after that, they put bark in water. After smashing it up, they got a very good piece of paper. The Chinese also even had a teacher named confucius, who taught about the government and life lessons. Overall, I really like the Chinese civilization because they were really advanced. Do you like them?

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Max!. I like how you added facts about the teacher Confucius and not just facts about the Chinese civilizations. Also, it was cool how you taught us of how the Chinese civilizations made paper. Another cool thing was how you included how they wrote on silk instead of paper before founding out about paper. That was intresting.


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