21 November, 2017

The Babylonian Mathematicians


The Babylonian civilization was my favorite. I think I appreciated them the most because they invented the multiplication table. Multiplication is something that everyone will use at some point. The Babylonians also created the calendar. That is how we kept track of the days, months, and years. Both of these items invented by the Babylonians were of good use.


  1. Babylonia is cool, the multiplication stuff and calendar is useful even though I don't really pay attention or use them very often! I did ancient India for my blog, and I just like how they did things, but yeah Babylonia and fights and math and creating stuff is pretty sweet!

  2. I agree because I like what you said about the babylonians and their multiplication table and there calender, and the lunar months. Something you should of added is why you don't like indus valley. For example the reason why I don't like indus valley is because there draining system and pipes were made out of clay, so I think that is very unsafe.


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