17 November, 2017

R.I.P Ancient World but it's 5,500 years late

I would have to say that MY favorite ancient civilisation was Mesopotamia. It was just very interesting for me to learn about them because would've died if it were not for the RiVeRs. Mesopotamia fell in and out of different controls until it just fell apart again. The different city states were always at one of two thing. Peace. Or hEcKiNg WaR. WaR iS nOt GoOd I pReFeR pEaCe. PlEaSe StOp GoInG tO hEcKiNg WaR mEsOpOtAmIa. Oh WaIt NeVeR mInD yOu DoN't EXiSt AnYmOrE.

Image result for mesopotamia memes

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