16 November, 2017

The Nile River Led To Civilization In Ancient Egypt

               The Nile river is the world's longest river, it is 4,200 miles long. The Nile has been Inhabited on for years, in fact, it has been lived on since 6000 B.C. Now the people who lived their first figured out that the Nile river floods. Now the people who were living they're found this to be an advantage because the soil was so rich. So, since the soil was so rich, the crops could thrive and made better crops and more. But, they also found living on the Nile was a disadvantage because it would flood, so it was hard to keep things for more than a year. So in all the People of the Nile lived well and lived worried.
Image result for Nile River comicImage result for Nile River

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