20 November, 2017

Babylonians not babies!

My favorite civilization is the babylonians. The Babylonians were my absolute favorite because they created the multiplication table and also created the calendar. Babylonians were also very very peaceful. They built a road through their civilization.The one thing I don't really like about them is that they had to create writing.I also think I could survive in this civilization because they are very peaceful. Overall, I really liked them alot and there name was very created too! What civilization is your favorite?


  1. I really liked how you worded your blog. I also really liked the Babylonians. I actually thought it was very interesting to hear about them creating the writing. Your title was really funny and got my attention. I think this civilization would be the best for you to survive in. Great job!

  2. I like the babylonians to and I think that they are very important.

  3. i chose the babylonia to and i think mrs. baker would like them because they made the multiplication chart


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