20 November, 2017

China: The Inventor Of Everything Useful

My favorite civilization was the Chinese civilization because they invented many things. The Chinese created paper, which we use in everyday life. They also invented the wheelbarrow and the compass, which we have used to carry things and to know where we are going. They created silk weaving, bronze working, poetry, and jade carving too. If I was around back then, I probably would have made a shop selling blankets and clothes. What would you have done back then?Image result for chinese silk weaving


  1. The Chinese civilization was also my favorite. What I would have done back then is, I probably would have been bored because they didn't have technology back then and I use technology a lot, and I don't know what I would have done with out it! I also probably would have written a lot because they created writing and I probably would have been glad to have it, because it would give me something to do.

  2. I agree. The Chinese civilization was my favorite, and they made allot of useful stuff. Back then, I would have played outside more and sell tools. I would want to learn more stuff, and write about my daily life. Then, I could be busy working and having fun then sitting around bored with no electricity or tablets.


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