20 November, 2017

A glimpse Inside the Indus Valley

My favorite civilization that we learned about was, the Indus Valley. I liked learning about the Indus Valley because it was in Pakistan and India, and my parents are from Pakistan so I liked learning about how that place was like 500 years ago.Their were many things that I liked about the Indus Valley, such as, how it was very peaceful. Archeologists who were digging their, never found any signs of weapons or an army. The Indus Valley was also very organized and clean. Every house had water that came from the wells. If I had to live with them, I might of done okay because they didn’t have any wars. All of the civilizations believed in religion but the Indus Valley spread the most religion, and religion is a very important aspect of life. If the Indus Valley isn’t your favorite, that’s okay but, if you do a little research, i'm sure that the Indus Valley will become your favorite.

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