21 November, 2017

Baby math

When you ask me what my favorite civilization that we learned about I would say... the Babylonians! they where my favorite civilization because they where the ones that created math and made it easy! If it weren't for the Babylonians, I would not know the feeling of total anxiety when I forget to do my homework. Thanks Babylonians, you have injected me with panic attacks and anxiety attacks. I would be a perfectly normal child if there was no such thing as math. like I said, thank you Babylonians.


  1. This post was so funny! I can DEFINITELY relate! My mind would be much less of a brain dead piece of roadkill than it would be if the Babylonians did not come up with math. Though I would say, computers wouldn't exist and neither would phones and TVs without math. So, I guess math was actually helpful to our world.

  2. I'm laughing so much right now! I totally think life without math anxiety would have been easier. Although, I think math itself is pretty important. Do you?


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