20 November, 2017

Indus Valley knowledge dump

Image result for a picture of mohenjo daro

     I think that my favorite civilization to learn about is  the Indus Valley civilization. It is because my family has lived in the India/Pakistan region for a long time so my ancestors could have lived there.They are different because they were so smart, In early beginnings (Mohenjodaro)they already had a sewage system.( WOW!!). If  I lived in Indus Valley civilization I think I would end up as a Mathematician or a Teacher because of my family's caste I think the tool I would send back is the graphing calculator because  it would dramatically improve math today.It would not solve any of their struggles though:(.What would you do if you lived in old time India/Pakistan???????😊


1 comment:

  1. cool I could always see you becoming a teacher since you are super duper amzaing and great at math.
    I guess if i lived in old time idia it would be sorta weird theyre wouldnt be very much stuff that we have today and i wouldnt know anyone and i wouldnt know how to speak, therefor it would be sorta difficult.


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