21 November, 2017

Babylonians Are Awesome :)

The Babylonians are my favorite Ancient Culture because they made the multiplication table and as you know by watching my flipgrid math is my favorite subject.   Also without them we may not have a successful way of knowing the months of the year or knowing when an hour is up.  Think about how difficult it would be to understand the time and date without having the 12 month cycle or 60 minute hour.  Who would you chose to be your favorite group of the Ancient Culture?  

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree I love math and without the bablyonians we might not have multibication. If they did not know what month or year is it how would I know if it was my birthday or when Christmas. We would also not have good 60 min hours so we might have to go to school longer. So I completely agree with you if there was no Babylonians it would be a messed up place.


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