17 November, 2017

My Favorite Civilization

My favorite civilization to learn about was the Indus Valley. They were my favorite because they were peaceful and had no violence. Archeologists found that their structure did not have any evidence suggesting that they went to war with anyone which I love because war is a terrible and destructive thing. Also they didn't find anything but farming tools. I think that it is praiseworthy because they had human restraint and patients to not go to war even if something was wrong or bad. They were very civilized as there is no evidence that they even had a army, and war is one of the most uncivilized things a humans can do. Also I like how the Indus respected the dead but knew there things were more useful to the civilization above ground than buried with them. They didn't prep people for the afterlife, but aimed to be healthy in life. I'd want to live there because I wouldn't have to fear war my whole life but instead live it to the fullest. As you can see the Indus Valley was my favorite civilization.

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