17 November, 2017

Millennials will not survive in Ancient China

Image result for chinese civilization
My favorite civilization is the Chinese civilization because they had many different
aspects of life that were very interesting. For example, they believed that if a leader came to power (dosen’t matter how… for some reason) that the Mandate of heaven choose gave them special permission to rule over the country. They also had several famous figures like Confucius and his teachings. If I ever lived back then during any of the dynasties, I would probably be severely injured or possibly dead because one, I’m a picky eater, two, I do not think that the Chinese back then had any idea what the definition of hygiene is and three, oh my god I am so not interested in getting drowned by some big flood out of nowhere almost every two years. And also if I could give them one tool from the modern world, I would probably give them one of those nice farming tools (like a plow for example) because they would be able to grow their crops more efficiently and effectively.
And I'm going to end this stating that Millennials will not survive in China because... it's true.


  1. I agree with you on that. Hygiene is definitely an important part living and I'm not to keen on drowning either. I think that I would give them computers, mostly because it would really help them get messages everywhere. Plus they would be able use the tech inside to make even better tech. It's tech-ception! (insert BWAH sound here)

  2. I agree that the ancient Chinese had many different aspects on life. I also think you are right about the drowning because of the river flooding, I wouldn't want to do that. Lastly, I completely agree the millennials would not survive, because back then was so much different from now!


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